
Stay one step ahead
of the attacker

Proactively block adversaries targeting your organization.

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Your cybersecurity stack to block C2 infrastructure
is only an API request away

IronRadarSM is a purpose-built threat intelligence feed that enables cybersecurity teams to proactively block threats and improve detection by automatically ingesting data on the latest known - as well as new and unreported - attacker infrastructure. IronNet tracks the creation of new malicious infrastructure for numerous post-exploitation toolkits, vulnerability scanners, and remote access trojans (RATs) through a unique fingerprinting process developed by our analysts, providing security operations, incident response, and cyber threat intelligence teams with everything they need to quickly detect C2 servers before they are used in an attack.


Blocks threats


Accelerates alert triage


Improve incident response

IronNet-Proven Impact-Improve effectiveness icon@2x

Reduces alert fatigue

IronNet-Defense-Real Time Access@2x

Faster time to detect


Cyber threat intelligence


Curated data


Structured and documented API

How IronRadar works


We collect data and use a unique process to fingerprint a server to determine whether it is a C2 server, as those servers are being stood up--before an attack is initiated.


After fingerprinting, we enrich the data with context into purpose-built intelligence updates for proactively blocking the C2/adversary infrastructure.


Integrate with security tools, block, or query for indicators of compromise (IoCs) to correlate with other threat alerts and enable threat hunting


Download How to proactively detect cyber attack infrastructure

This white paper illustrates how to proactively detect malicious command and control (C2) infrastructure as it is being set up --before a cyber attack. This block-and-tackle capability using IronRadar threat detection and response integrates directly in an organization's existing tool stack.

Download now

How to implement IronRadar

1Where can it be installed

IronRadarSM intelligence is delivered via a REST API that’s integrated directly into an organization’s existing security stack, such as Firewalls, SIEMs, SOARs, EDRs, and other tools that accept third-party feeds. With pre-built integrations to many common security platforms, IronRadar can be operational and provide additional protection within a matter of minutes.

2 Set and Forget

Once installed, organizations can 'set and forget' the feed at the firewall to automatically block attacks, or combine the feed with other threat intelligence sources to enhance the actionable body of data for security teams.

3 Receive monthly reports

Customers also receive a monthly IronRadar report, which provides insight into attack infrastructure intelligence and trends over the past month and includes actionable recommendations to support hunt and incident response operations.

For information on current IronRadar integrations,
visit our GitHub page.

Ready to start blocking attack infrastructure today?

To get started with the IronRadar threat intelligence feed, contact us directly or visit us on the AWS Marketplace.

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